Thursday, November 24, 2016

I'm Thankful For...

Warning: Sappy blog post ahead. Seriously though, it's been a rough year, and some times I lose sight of the things that make me happy. Yes, I'm still filling up my Happy Jar and I'll elaborate on that at the end of the year (see the last two years' here and here) , but today I need to sit down and remind myself that there are plenty of wonderful things in my life, and that I should be thankful for them. Following are a few of the amazing people, animals, places and things in my life that I am so, so grateful for, though by no means is this an exhaustive list.

My Fiancé

Where would I be without him? Jared has been my constant, my rock, my biggest supporter for the last few years, and I can't imagine life without him. I am so thankful for him being next to me every step of the way, encouraging me to travel and write and take photos, being my partner in everything, and for the life we are building together.

My Family

Family is everything, and I think this photo says it all. We are a family of crazy, different lives but we bond over nearly everything. We travel together, drive stupid long distances to see each other, talk every week and have an ongoing group text that never gets old. I once came back from a 12 hour hike to no less than 47 missed texts from my family, all discussing if I went missing would it be like the movie 127 Hours. For real. We are there for each other's triumphs and low points, and you couldn't find a more supportive group of people anywhere.

My Friends

Despite moving very far away, I have managed to keep in touch with and even visited/been visited by many of my friends. A few of my friends have scattered in the wind as well, and some are still back in my hometown, but we all make the effort to continue our friendship, even if we go weeks or months without talking. I am so thankful for those of my friends who have stuck with me through everything, especially over the last few years. To those who have travelled with me, thank you! To those who haven't travelled with me yet, when are we going??

My Pets

Oh my pets. Anybody who knows me knows I adore all animals, and a visit to my house will prove that to you. Every single one of the animals I have ever had has touched my heart, and I am so thankful that they have been in my life. I am beyond thankful for the animals I currently have, and am grateful for the animals who were in my life but have passed away. I love every single one of them.

My Adventures

Travelling has become part of who I am, and I am thankful that I get to travel as much as I do and that I have access to the places where I want to travel. Waking up on a mountain or in the middle of a dune field, driving across the country just because, spending hours in a car or hours on a trail are all things that nobody should take for granted, and I hope I never will.

My Jobs

Sure, jobs pay the bills and put a roof over my (and Jared's and my pets') head, but I am thankful for my jobs for reasons other than the money I make. I have two jobs, and they are flexible enough to allow me to continue and expand my travelling. Both jobs have provided me opportunites I only dreamed of before I moved to Texas. I mean, who else gets to work with tigers, or have their fingers sucked by cavys? Both jobs provide ample opportunites to learn new skills, open doors I didn't even know existed, and give me the freedom to pretty much do what I want as long as I get the job done at the end of the day. What's not to be thankful for?

Like I said, this is just a small sample of the things that I am thankful for. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family, friends, and overflowing with whatever it is that makes you thankful.

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