Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Snapshot and The Scoop: Climbing the Ladder

Now, you probably know by now that I'm up for any sort of adventure, especially if it makes a good story. Heights, white-water, caves, fast speeds, and bad roads? Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. I've also confessed here that I'm uncomfortable with airplanes, boats and walking on ice. Well, here's another one: ladders. I've been uncomfortable with ladders for as long as I can remember, and often will bow out of a task if there is a ladder involved. Sometimes, however, I have no choice but to climb a ladder in order to get from Point A to Point B while out on a trail, like the one time I hiked the most spectacular trail ever. And the other time there was one ladder between me and finishing the ascent to Druid Arch. I'll deal if I have to, but I have a mild panic attack while on the damn thing and only breathe once it's behind me. I don't know why I have this problem, because I'm certainly not afraid of heights. Maybe it's because of the man-made structure below me is holding my weight and I'm terrified it's going to collapse while I'm on it and I'll get seriously maimed/die. Man-made being the key difference between that and something natural, I guess. Crazy, I know, but there you go. Two pictures this time, because I need to show my relief at getting to the top! Even though I had to go back down eventually...

Leave me a comment below and tell me if you have the same fear of ladders as I do, for whatever crazy reason!

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