Thursday, February 21, 2019

A Snapshot and The Scoop: Hoodoo's Second Mom

My little orange adventure kitty has two moms. He may not live with his second mom, and he only gets to see her when we adventure together or I'm visiting her back in Nebraska, but there is no doubt Torrey is Hoodoo's mom just as much as I am. She's known him almost as long as I have, as he traveled with me to Pike's Peak last year just after I got him, and then proceeded to climb six 14'ers with Torrey and I. This cat is clearly comfortable with her, choosing to go to her, climb on her shoulders, and calls out for her when he knows she's nearby but not within his eyesight. He'll follow after her if she walks away, and spends half his nights of adventuring sleeping in her bag instead of mine. This little ball of fluff even chooses to spend a car ride on her lap rather than mine! It's okay, I'm not jealous at all (maybe just a little). Seriously, though, I'm so happy Hoodoo has accepted Torrey into his adventuring routine just as easily as he's taken to adventuring itself. And if I hand him off to her on the roof of an RV while volunteering at the Grandmaster Ultra, and he just happens to climb into her lap like he belongs there? So be it. That just cements her place as my sister as far as Hoodoo and I are concerned.


  1. It's been wonderful to be able to grow up with you,I cant express how much you mean to me! You are an inspiring, talented and beautiful person. Hoodoo hit the jackpot when he landed in your arms. I'm honored to call both of you family. Thank you!
