Thursday, November 22, 2018

I'm Thankful For...V2018

Grateful. It's that time of year again, the time where we reflect on what we are happy to have in our lives. The time where I pick the top things I'm thankful for and list them out for you, hopefully to inspire you to do the same. This post also serves as a record of sorts, a way for me to look back through the years and remember what I was glad to have in my life. Read on below to find out what I'm thankful for this year:

Our House

We bought a house! Almost a year ago now we signed the papers on our first house together, our first house we can call our own, and I am so grateful we are at the point in our lives where we can make adult purchases such as a house. It is something we own, something we can do whatever we want with, and it is my home base to all of my travels, the place I find myself looking forward to seeing after a time away. It is the place that holds my best friend and husband, that keeps our fur family warm and dry. It keeps me busy when I'm not travelling with many little projects as we make the house our home, and is a place I can retreat to if I don't feel like going out into the wider world. So yes, I'm more than thankful for our house.

My Husband

I definitely do not tell him enough, but I am so thankful for Jared. He is my comfort and support, always encouraging me to explore and bring him back something nice. Jared keeps our home warm (or cool!) and welcoming every time I travel, and if I didn't have him I'm not sure I'd have a reason to come back. I miss him when I leave and I look forward to seeing him every day, even though we work and live together. I am awed by his care and compassion for our own animals and those under his care, even when he tries to act like he doesn't. I can't imagine not having Jared in my life, and I am so grateful he's mine.


A new one this year, I am thankful for my adventure kitten! My loving, enabling husband gifted me with kittens this summer, and Hoodoo has grown into an adventure cat worthy of hiking mountains with me. I am so grateful he has such a chill but curious personality, perfect for being a cat who likes car rides and boulder hopping. I'm grateful he isn't afraid of storms or my tent, and that he's up for anything other than getting his paws wet. I love his sleeping bag snuggles, and I even love his 2am partying (but only after the fact, when he's being sweet and cuddly during his afternoon naps.) I can't wait for more trips with my little orange adventure kitten, and I will be grateful every time he goes with me.

Will Power

I know it's not something I should probably be thankful for, nor really boast about, but I'm grateful for my will power (read: stubbornness). I wouldn't do even half of the things I do if I weren't stubborn, from hiking 14,000 foot mountains with a cat to getting myself out being lost in the desert. If I didn't have a strong sense of will, and of pride, it wouldn't be hard to convince me to give up before I finished a task. But here I am, bound and determined to see whatever I began through to the end. And to make that ending be what I desire. I'm thankful for my stubbornness and sometimes pig-headedness that gets me what I want.


Where would I be without music? Every single ride in the car features some sort of music (and occasionally audio books) and my collection of music is ever growing. Seriously, I have a wishlist of like fifteen albums from all different genres. My tastes are wide ranging depending on my mood, from good old heavy metal to soft instrumental movie scores. I would probably hate driving if I didn't have music, where I can get lost in the beat and the road. Music helps me set the tone for a road trip, and the company I keep always lends a hand to what we listen to. I'm grateful for music and all the artists who produce good tunes!

As always, I encourage you to leave me a comment and tell me what you're thankful for. But better than that, go tell your friends and family, or whoever else it is, that you're thankful for them. And don't forget to be thankful for yourself, for your best qualities and sometimes even your worst. You're the only one like you in the world, be thankful for that!

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