Thursday, November 28, 2019

I'm Thankful For... V.2019

Meditative. If I'm being completely honest with myself, its been a bit of a tough year and I've struggled through most of it to remain positive, to find the things that make me smile, and to be thankful for what I have. I have been astoundingly unmotivated in nearly every aspect of my life, to the point where sometimes it is daunting to even consider putting the effort into feeding myself, let alone leave the house to travel. My writing, too, has taken a hit (as indicated by the general lack of posts lately) and no matter how much I say today will be the day that I sit down and write, it almost never is. That being said, I'm determined to get my thoughts out there while I reflect about what I'm thankful for this year knowing full well that positive thinking helps me actually be positive. I think it's also time for another review of the contents of my Happy Jar, just to remind myself of all the bright points this past year.  

The absolute highlight-best-part-of-my-year was the birth and subsequent hand-raising of my little Bug. Born at my work to the Ring-tailed Lemur troop, Bug was abandoned by his mother as soon as he was born. My husband and I stepped in to care for him, spending months of sleepless nights and days catering to his every need. Bug no longer needs round-the-clock care, but he still comes home with me every night. He is fairly independent now, no longer needing us to hand-feed him, but he still very much enjoys our company and prefers to be near us. His affection is one of the best parts of my day, his cuddles are the best, and his antics when he's playful or naughty make me laugh every time. I am so, so thankful Bug came into my life, and I am looking forward to spending the next thirty years loving him every single day.

This one is a new one for me, because up until now I never really put much thought into my body. It was something I took for granted, something that I cared for just enough to keep me going and doing whatever I decided I wanted to do. Earlier this year I realized that I really should be taking better care of this body if I want it to last, especially if I want it to take me on some epic adventures I have in the works. I began eating healthier, exercising regularly, and trying to treat my body kinder while still pushing myself past limits I thought I had. I haven't always succeeded in my efforts, but I keep trying, and have already formed better habits than the ones I'd been living with for the past however many years. Having something to train for has helped keep my focus, and I can't wait to see the successes my body will bring me in the next few years.

I could go with all sorts of cliche anecdotes about how there's never enough time, how we'll never get a day back, how we can only move forward, but I think I'll keep this one short and stick with how much I appreciate my time, especially when I use it for something I actually want to be doing. Even if I'm using my time to sit on the couch to read a book, it's still my time, and I am so appreciative of that. I am a Type-A, busybody, to-do list kind of person, and this year that has kind of crashed down around my ears. I only have a few hours of the day where I'm not working (like most of the general population, I'm sure) and while I enjoy my job I live for the times I'm not there. I like spending a Saturday on the couch reading a book while my husband watches TV, I like puttering around the yard and garden, I like watching the miles and hours fly by as I travel to wherever my heart desires. I am incredibly thankful for the time I have, and plan to cherish every second of it.

I'm pretty sure if there were a contest for World's Most Understanding Husband, mine would win hands down. I can't tell you how many times I've come home with a random animal (sometimes without any warning) and Jared's just taken it in stride. He helps me care for everything I bring home, even if it means getting up every two hours for days on end to feed an infant. Not only does he care for random animals as well as our own zoo pets, he takes on the responsibility of feeding, cleaning, and general care while I run off to the mountains, desert, or beach whenever I feel like it. If that's not true love then I don't know what is.

Ya know, even in the amount of time it took me to write this post I felt my spirits lift just a little bit. I really do have a lot to be thankful for, and while I just highlighted four of them here there are plenty of other reasons I have to smile, be happy, and thank my lucky stars. I will keep these and all the others in my heart until I can pull myself out of the funk I've been in, and will draw on them for the strength I need to make it through.

I'd love to hear what you're thankful for, especially if it might make me happy for you. Leave me a comment below and let me hear what makes you smile during this time of year.